Project Synopsis

Project Title:

Water Sector Performance and Investment Programme / Municipal Infrastructure Programme V
Consulting Services – Institutional Consultant. (BMZ No. 2013 66 467 / KfW Procurement No.

Project starting date:

25th January 2023

Project duration:

60 months

Overall WPIP / MIP V Programme Objectives:

1. Enhanced sustainability of selected municipal water and sewerage utilities, with improved planning, operation and integrity management and climate resilience.

2. Improved and affordable access of the population in the programme areas to safe drinking water supply, sewer services and increased centralized treatment of collected wastewater, monitored in accordance with EU Directives.

Project Purposes:

The Institutional Consultant will contribute to the attainment of the WPIP/MIP V Objective n° 1: “enhanced sustainability of selected municipal water and sewerage utilities, with improved planning, operation and integrity management and climate resilience.”
The Institutional Consultant shall contribute to the following expected outputs of WPIP/MIP V:

  • Output 1a: Strengthened management of the WSS infrastructure at the municipal level applying affordable combined water supply and sewerage cost recovery tariff systems.
  • Output 1b: Strengthened capacities of AKUK to support and monitor water utilities.
  • Output 1c: Strengthened national water sector framework.

The Institutional Consultant will also support AKUK in its task of overall WPIP/MIP V management.

Consultant's Scope of Work:

Task 1: Assistance to AKUK
Task 2: Assistance to UKRs
Task 3: Disaster Risk Management in Lezhë
Task 4: Overall Sector Development
Task 5: Communication and Visibility