Support to AKUK - Project Task 1

1. Assistance to AKUK

• Sub-Task 1.1 Project Management Capacity
• Sub-Task 1.2 Strengthen AKUM Capacities

The Institutional Consultant is supporting the overall WPIP/MIP V Programme Implementation
with measures strengthening the institutional capacities of AKUK. It is supporting AKUK with
the aggregation of the different Implementation Consultants reports from all six UKRs,
where the investment measures are implemented.

The Business Plans for the UKRs and the regular annual updates during the project period
are an important way to summarize, present and analyse all support measures provided to
the six UKRs and to enable in this way AKUK, to understand, monitor and evaluate the development of their new regional companies.

The Business Plans contain all relevant information which enable AKUK to make informed
management decisions for improving performance and sustainability of the UKRs.

Furthermore, the Institutional Consultant supports AKUK with regard to cost control of the
overall WPIP / MIP V Programme and the follow-up of overall time schedule ; this may also
include upgrading of the existing Programme Management Information System.