WPIP MIP V Investment Measures

UKR Shkodra - WPIP / MIP V investment measures

Drinking Water Supply

  • Equipment of all new house connections with water meters
  • Rehabilitation and replacement of outdated and heavily leaking
    transmission mains
  • Replacement and extension of the existing water supply network
    in DMA*1 and DMA4 (Dobraci area and towards Rus)

*DMA – ‘District Metering Area: water meters are installed in main pipes for comparing water consumption of all connected house meters with the quantity measured by the respective district meter. This indicates water leaks and/or illegal connections

Priority areas for the infrastructure works

The short-term measures for rehabilitation will be concentrated in the northern periphericareas of the town Dobrac and Golem. An important focus of the measures is put on implementation of new water supply networks in Northern areas with high losses and illegal
connections, incl. DMA establishment (see figure to the left). DMAs – District Metering Areas – are a key element in drinking water infrastructure which allows monitoring and controlling water inflow and water losses

Waste Water System (in planning - to be implemented under WPIP / MIP VI)

  • Upgrade of the Main Pumping Station Shkodra
  • Construction Wastewater Pumping Main / Pressure Pipeline ID 600
    (between MPS and foreseen site of the WWTP with a length of about 5
    km crossing the Buna River)
  • WWTP Shkodra for about 27,900 PE** (Stage Ia) treatment capacity
    (hydraulic load 55% of the ultimate design flow)
  • Immediate Upgrade WWTP Shkodra (provided the required funds are
    available) for about 82,500 PE (Stage Ib)


**PE – ‘Population Equivalent’: Population equivalent represents the number of individuals that would generate an equivalent amount of wastewater to be treated – i.e. quantity and pollutant concentration generated by a typical individual or source.

Key impact: reduced loss of water - improved water supply - clean environment