Water Sector Links - Projects and Programmes in Albania

Sector Projects and Programmes in Albania

This is a collection of the most important projects and programmes. Many activities are joint activities of several donors and international partners. Therefore some projects / programmes have several links with presentations of the respective partners.

Support to preparation of Albania’s Chapter 27 negotiating position and the establishment of AMBU

Implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the principles of river basin management. Link EU / Link ADA

The NIPS Project supports Albania’s negotiations with the European Union in regard to Chapter 27 of the acquis

RCDN+ is a partnership of 16 national associations of local government units and water utilities from 6 SEE countries with the objectives to intensify cooperation, jointly conduct policy dialogue, and strengthen their institutional capacities of their members.

Utility of the Future (UoF) is a world wide concept of World Bank. There is a regional a Western Balkan UoF programme and in Tirana will be the regionalCentre of Excellence’ (link 1 / link 2)  for the Utility of the Future Programme.

D-LeaP has been established as a committee of IAWD, composed of representatives of national water utility associations in the region.