About the WPIP / MIP V Programme

WPIP MIP V Programme - Implementation

125.6 Mio EUR investment for new and rehabilitated water and waste water infrastructure in 6 regional UKR*s

Institutional Component

  • Business planning & tariff adjustment
  • Reduction of Non Revenue Water
  • Revenue increase
  • Management information system
  • Integrity enhancing measures
  • Disaster Risk Management in Lezha
  • Communication and visibility

Implementation Component

  • Feasibility studies
  • Design documents
  • Works and services procurement
  • Construction supervision
  • Water loss reduction
  • Energy savings
  • Improved system maintenance

Improved drinking water and sanitation services of approx. 30% of Albania's total population or 50% of total urban population and of around 19,100 corporate beneficiaries (public adminstration, state institutions and business)

*UKR – ‘Regional Water and Sewerage Company’

WPIP MIP V Programme - Objectives

The overall objective of the WPIP / MIP V Program is to contribute to economic, social, environmental, and territorial development, as well as tourism attractiveness.

Enhanced sustainability of selected municipal utilities, with improved planning, operation and integrity management and climate resilience

Improved and affordable access of the population in the programme areas to safe drinking water supply, sewer services and increased centralized treatment of collected waste water, monitored in accordance with EU directives.

100 % coverage of Direct Operational Costs; Reduction of water losses; Adapted tariff plans; Improved invoicing, collection rate constantly over 85 %; Verified improvement of good

30,000 persons
with increased
resilience to
storm water
incidents in Lezha

49,500 population effectively connected to operational waste
water collection with centralized treatment systems, monitored in accordance with EU directives

Increased population effectively connected to improved and/or new drinking water network.
Increased average daily water supply hours from 13 to 16 hours

WPIP MIP V Programme - Financing

EUR 125.6 million WPIP / MIP V Programme Financing

German Financial Cooperation ‘through KfW Loan EUR 80 million
German Government Grant EUR 9 million
EU IPA Grant EUR 23.3 million
SECO Grant EUR 13.3 million

WPIP MIP V Programme - EU Compliance

EU aquis - Chapter 27 and the Directive Specific Implementation Plans (DSIPs)​

All works are carried out in compliance with EU Directives. Albania has upgraded and expanded strategic sector planning and aligned the laws and regulations with the EU acquis of chapter 27, in particular with regards to Water Framework (WF), Urban Wastewater Treatment (UWWT**), Drinking Water (DW*) and Groundwater (GW) Directives.

*‘Drinking Water Directive’ (DWD) – 98/83/EC / 3 November 1998) **‘Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive’ (UWWTD) – 91/271/EEC /21 May 1991

WPIP MIP V Programme - Partners

International Partners and Financing Institutions

Albanian Partners and Beneficiaries

Background and History of Partnerships

The partnership between the Albanian Government, the German Financial Cooperation
through KfW, SECO and the EU to increase access to reliable and affordable water and
wastewater services in Albania dates back more than 2 decades.

During this period the Municipal Infrastructure Programmes (MIP I-IV) were developed
and implemented. In total, 446,000 people across six secondary cities in Albania
benefited from the improved water supply and/or wastewater management provided
by MIP I-IV.

Following the MIP I-IV, the Albanian Government, KfW, the European Union and SECO,
designed a larger initiative, the ongoing WPIP / MIP V Programme: “Water Sector
Performance and Investment Programme/ Municipal Infrastructure Programme V”.