Project Tasks

1. Assistance to AKUK

• Sub-Task 1.1 Project Management Capacity
• Sub-Task 1.2 Strengthen AKUM Capacities

The Institutional Consultant is supporting the overall WPIP/MIP V Programme Implementation
with measures strengthening the institutional capacities of AKUK. It is supporting AKUK with
the aggregation of the different Implementation Consultants reports from all six UKRs,
where the investment measures are implemented.

The Business Plans for the UKRs and the regular annual updates during the project period
are an important way to summarize, present and analyse all support measures provided to
the six UKRs and to enable in this way AKUK, to understand, monitor and evaluate the development of their new regional companies.

The Business Plans contain all relevant information which enable AKUK to make informed
management decisions for improving performance and sustainability of the UKRs.

Furthermore, the Institutional Consultant supports AKUK with regard to cost control of the
overall WPIP / MIP V Programme and the follow-up of overall time schedule ; this may also
include upgrading of the existing Programme Management Information System.

2. Assistance to 6 UKRs

  • Sub Task 2.1 Strategic business plans and tariff adjustment plans.
  • Sub Task 2.2 Reduction of non-revenue water.
  • Sub Task 2.3 Revenue increase and cost saving programmes.
  • Sub Task 2.4 Management information system.
  • Sub Task 2.5 Integrity enhancing measures.
  • Sub Task 2.6 Training needs assessment.

The WPIP / MIP V support is characterised by ‘performance based financing’. This means,
that the foreseen investments for each UKR will be set free under the condition of INCREASED COST COVERAGE. The Institutional Consultant is supporting the UKRs to improve
their core performance and attain the WPIP/MIP V milestones and side conditions.

The emphasis of support is not only on
• Business planning and
• Tariff adjustments and approvals

but also to improve the general performance, such as
Reduce Non Revenue Water (NRW) by reducing water leaks and loss as well as reducing
and closing illegal connections
Increase collection efficiency by improving client database, introducing electronic payments and improving public awareness on need to pay.
Reduce Direct Operational Costs (DOC) by reducing energy costs, increasing work efficiency, using more efficient technology.

The WPIP / MIP V Institutional Consultant (WPIP / MIP V – IC) Component is elaborating
for each UKR a business and tariff adjustment plan, in which the exact target values are
set and agreed with the UKR and finally approved by the administrative board and shareholder assembly of the utility.

3. Disaster Risk Management Lezha

  • Sub Task 3.1 Local Emergency Plan.
  • Sub Task 3.2 Integration of emergency preparedness.
  • Sub Task 3.3 Improved information management.
  • Sub Task 3.4 Application of construction and safety
    standards of buildings.
  • Sub Task 3.5 Preventive maintenance plan.
  • Sub Task 3.6 Professional advice and training.

The Local Emergency Plan for Lezha serves as a comprehensive guide for disaster management planning, emphasizing proactive measures to enhance resilience and minimize the
impact of flood events on the community.

The Plan outlines broad strategies for Lezha for flood management and emergency response, emphasizing the importance of preparedness, coordination, and public awareness.

Risk assessment and mitigation strategies focus on identifying flood hazards, assessing
vulnerability, and implementing infrastructure improvements to minimize risks. Specific
flood risk hotspots are identified, and infrastructure projects like storm water pumping stations are proposed to mitigate flood impacts. A guideline for Flood resilient construction of
buildings is annexed in the appendix of the document.

The alert system emphasizes the importance of public awareness and understanding,
multi-hazard early warning systems, and real-time monitoring. Challenges in monitoring
activities are addressed, with recommendations for improving forecasting accuracy and
community engagement.

The intervention model highlights the roles and responsibilities of key authorities at national
and local levels, emphasizing effective coordination and communication during emergencies. Operational phases and response schemes are outlined, providing a structured framework for managing flood events and facilitating recovery efforts.

4. Overall Sector Development

Strengthen national institutional framework and planning processes for enhanced transparency and
improved coordination of sector investments

The Institutional Consultant will develop activities such as meetings, seminars, training workshops, peer learning and knowledge sharing aiming at
• strengthening of the institutional framework and harmonised planning processes at national level in complementarity to other donors’ capacity building actions and
• improving practical skills and capacities such as project management, data analysis, GIS
mapping, strategic planning and similar
• enhancing skills of municipal leaders and managers for improving governance, project management, asset and financial management, and community engagement.

The priority activities aim in particular at the alignment to the EU Water Framework (WF) and
EU Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) directives, enhanced transparency of sector investments and increased economic governance.

5. Communication & Visibility

Develop overall WPIP / MIP V C&V Plan and support AKUK and UKRs and implemenation consultants in implementing the plan

Main objectives of C&V activities

  • to foster visibility and highlight the role and contributions of KfW, EU, SECO and other
    stakeholders in the Water Sector Performance and Investment Program (WPIP) / Municipal
    Infrastructure Programme (MIP V)
  • to create awareness about the project and its objectives, results and activities and subsequently the benefits for the citizens of Albania
  • to communicate that all works carried out under the WPIP / MIP V program are in full compliance with the corresponding EU directives (EU acquis).
  • to create awareness and understanding for the need of water utilities which can work on
    the principle of financial sustainability and henceforth can provide efficiently safe drinking
    water and assure wastewater collection and treatment services.


Communication on national level is carried out for informing, involving and coordinating with
key stakeholders and partners on government and administrative level as well as with other
stakeholders and projects of the water sector.

Majority of the communication activities for promoting the WPIP / MIP V programme will be
carried out on regional level together with the UKRs and the implementation consultants.
Focus of communication is to inform about the WPIP / MIP V project and about the respective
Infrastructure Construction Project in each region in form of regional campaigns accompanying the infrastructure projects during the time of implementation.